Country Name: Transylvania
Human Name: Viorica Dumitru
Physical Apperence: Viorica is a young female vampire with red eyes and chesnut blond hair. She prefers to dress in gothic or victorian style clothing that reflects her family's higher status. She is rather frail and her skin is sickly pale. She tends to keep her emotions sealed up, and thus, it's rare to see her flash a smile.
Character Personality: Viorica is a more inverted child, keeping her emotions hidden to most everyone, with the exception of her brother, Romania. She bears a dangerous grudge against Hungary like her brother does and despises the fact that she lost her status as a separate country. She does not, however, express this to her brother. She would never consider saying anything against him as her trust for him is absolute.
Why Do You Want This Character: I've played as Transylvania for awhile now and I just LOVE being her. She's not like my other characters and has a fun, dangerous nature. Plus... I FREAKING LOVE VAMPIRES.... and you Romania.. *cough* <3 xDD